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The BEMO-COFRA project is a 30-months EU-Brazil cooperative research project started in 2011.

The project is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of EU-Brazil Research and Development cooperation under Grant Agreement no. 288133

The Brazilian funding is provided by CNPq Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Downloads: Not available yet: Building an emergency network with off-the-shelf devices.

Downloads Home > Scientific publications > Not available yet: Building an emergency network with off-the-shelf devices.

Not available yet: Building an emergency network with off-the-shelf devices.

We describe in this paper two approaches for the integration of GSM, VoIP and PTT services. This underlying heterogeneous network aims to provide a reliable communication system robust enough to be used in an emergency situation. Our system differs from existing solutions by using off-the-shelf devices and leveraging on software-defined radio (SDR) technology. We describe the new signalling needed for interworking as well as show architectural details in for each one of the adopted approaches. Finally some field testing results obtained using the
system already implemented as shared.

12. February 2014
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License: IEEE Subscription

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