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About us
The BEMO-COFRA project is a 30-months EU-Brazil cooperative research project started in 2011.

The project is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of EU-Brazil Research and Development cooperation under Grant Agreement no. 288133

The Brazilian funding is provided by CNPq Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Read the BEMO-COFRA newsletters here:
#1 October 2012
#2 February 2013
#3 October 2013
#4 February 2014

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Download title Date Author Version Downloads Comments Rating
Newsletter # 1 11-10-2012 -- 1070 0 --
October 2012
Newsletter # 2 01-03-2013 1.0 1004 0 --
Read about the 1st year demonstration, the Initial BEMO-COFRA Administration Tool, and the Initial BEMO-COFRA Network Architecture.
Newsletter # 3 29-10-2013 -- 937 0 --
Read about how the BEMO-COFRA platform meets the market demands for flexible and holistic production and how developers make it easier to design applications.
Newsletter # 4 27-10-2014 -- 1069 0 --
This final project newsletter gives the reader an insight into the achievements of the project. Published February 2014
Download Stats Downloads: 33
Downloaded: 30033
Most Downloaded: Not available yet: A channel monitor for emergency wireless networks [ 2207 ]
Most Recent: Newsletter # 4 [ 1069 ]