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About us
The BEMO-COFRA project is a 30-months EU-Brazil cooperative research project started in 2011.

The project is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of EU-Brazil Research and Development cooperation under Grant Agreement no. 288133

The Brazilian funding is provided by CNPq Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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#1 October 2012
#2 February 2013
#3 October 2013
#4 February 2014

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Download title Date Author Version Downloads Comments Rating
D2.1 State of play in production monitoring and control systems 18-05-2012 Admin 1.0 951 0 --
D2.2 Initial Requirements Report 18-05-2012 Admin 1.0 927 0 --
D8.4 Training Package 18-05-2012 Admin 1.0 956 0 --
D5.1.1 Initial infrastructure for distributed control logic 27-12-2012 1.0 852 0 --
This deliverable describes the state-of-the-art of control logic used at manufacturing industries. A Body & Welding line is used as example with focus on the framing station. The control logic monitors the devices distributed on the line and controls them, indicating the correct time to act or not, guarantying the correct flow of production.
D8.1 Report on the business strategies and exploitation plan 27-12-2012 1.0 862 0 --
This deliverable presents the business model framework while further work on defining a business model and exploitation plan will be carried out in relation to task T8.3 Innovation Transfer and the results will be reported in the deliverable D8.3 Report on innovation transfer activities.
D8.1.2 Dissemination Report I 27-12-2012 1.0 910 0 --
This deliverable is part of the task to coordinate the dissemination of BEMO-COFRA. It thus presents the project’s dissemination strategy and plan. The dissemination strategy outlines the objectives and methods for effective dissemination of the project’s progress and achievements. The dissemination strategy forms the basis for the planning and execution of dissemination activities and thus helps define the specific dissemination plans and targets.
D6.1 IoT-enabled legacy devices for production monitoring 27-12-2012 1.0 864 0 --
This document is delivered with the software deliverable D6.1 IoT-enabled legacy devices for production monitoring. This deliverable documents the prototype and the different software objects and classes used from the BEMO-COFRA platform and developed for this application. It also describes the M12 demo which has been built using the prototype.
D3.1 Robotics and Sensor Integration 30-01-2013 1.0 1786 0 --
This deliverable provides information on existing devices, services, standards, systems and applications currently adopted within the application domain relevant to the BEMO-COFRA project.
D2.5 The Final Validation Report of the Platform 01-10-2014 1.0 723 0 --
This deliverable presents the results from the testing and validation activities carried out in the technical development work packages.
D7.1 Report on Application Development.pdf 01-10-2014 1.0 692 0 --
The main objective of this deliverable is to present a Report on Application Development, that will be installed at COMAU, in Recife. This application depends of a series of intermediate efforts from other partners of BEMO-COFRA Project, since it is composed by distinct modules.
D3.3 Traffic Modelling for Industrial Applications.pdf 01-10-2014 1.0 812 0 --
This document describes the methods and models considered to obtain the final traffic model for an industrial environment, through the analysis of traces of captured traffic data, resulting in a stochastic model.
D8.3 Report on innovation transfer activities 01-10-2014 1.0 726 0 --
This deliverable documents how the dissemination of knowledge and transfer of results to the users and industrial can be achieved.
D8.2.2 Dissemination Report II 01-10-2014 1.0 714 0 --
This deliverable is an updated version of the existing deliverable D8.2.1 Dissemination Report I which was submitted in month 12. It presents the project’s dissemination activities and achievements from M13 to M30.
D5.2.2 Final Administration Tool 01-10-2014 1.0 724 0 --
This document describes the initial and final administration tool prototypes for the BEMO-COFRA platform.
D5.2.1 Initial Administration Tool 01-10-2014 1.0 718 0 --
This document describes the initial administration tool prototype for the BEMO-COFRA platform.
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